Whats next?
You have registered and now want to know what happens next, like when the draws will be out and and a bit more detail about our game rules and regulations
Team playing category
Teams will categorized based on selected playing category and division when registering and on previous comp performance and/or grading. We may re-categorize, if a team is under or over performing in the allocated category.
If team category numbers are low we may combine age and genders categories. Some examples:
- u10 girls with u9 mixed
- u11 girls with u10 boys
- u9 mixed with u8 boys
- u12 boys with u13 boys
Team organisers will be kept updated regarding team numbers from 4 weeks prior to start of comp.
Comp playing categories will only go ahead once we have a min of 4 teams.
If we do not have enough teams to combine into a min of 4 teams we will notify teams and provide a full refund.- see Refund Policy
Category comp finalisation- time line
Pre rego close (4 weeks prior to comp start)-Team organisers updated on team numbers in categories, including any low numbers in specific categories if they exist.
Category structure proposed- (3-4 weeks prior to comp start) Team organisers notified of proposed comp category structure - including any age /gender amalgamations or potential category issues or proposed actions
Category structure finalised - (2-3 weeks prior to comp start) Team organiser organisers notified of finalised comp category structure - including any age /gender amalgamations or comp cancellations and refunds
Registration completion- (2-3 weeks prior to comp start) Teams asked to complete all player registrations including rego payments.
Competition draw (weekly)- (a min of 3 days before first round and rounds 2, 3 and 4). All registered players will be notified.
Full draw- (as a min before 4th round) All players will be notified
We ask that all teams do not leave it to the last couple of weeks to register. If you get organised and register your teams early gives us time to get all categories into comps and get more teams if required.
Competition draw and tables
The competition administrator will allocate teams to categories based on requested category, division and previous performances.
Draws will be emailed or made available to all participants on a week to week basis until the administrator is satisfied with the team categorisation. This may take up to 3 rounds.
The first 3-4 round draws will be made available or emailed as a min 3 days before each round.
Age and gender categories may be combined to obtain sufficient team numbers and teams may be moved to other categories based on performances in the first few rounds. This may result in a revised draws in the first few weeks.
It is expected that the final full draw/fixtures/tables will be completed and emailed or made available on website to all participants by the 4th round.
Requests to change fixtures once a draw is sent will not be accepted or made.
The semi final draws will be sent after the final round and the grand final draw will be sent after the semi finals.
Game Times
Playing category kick off times differ at each location and can be found in the venue tab
Times will be randomly allocated and spread as evenly as possible in the draw (incl. the earliest time slot).
Teams may request later times or earlier times and we will try an accommodate.
Teams that have 2 or more teams registered may request that times do not clash. This includes teams that have players playing in for example a mixed team and a women's or men's team at the same comp
Teams must start play at the scheduled kick off times.
Points System
Win: 3 points Draw: 1-point Loss: 0 points. No bonus points, ranking will be based on, head to head, goal difference, followed by most goals scored.
Game day rules and team regulations (u8 and up)
Team uniforms
Junior teams will be allocated uniforms of the same colour for all players and must play in in them. There is no requirement for goal keepers to play in a different colour
Adult teams are responsible for their own uniforms and now must must have football uniforms with numbers. The playing shirt cannot be black and must be a football soccer uniform - t shirts, singlets or work shirts are not permitted.
Team player registrations and photo ID
All teams must have all players registered and paid on our system and must have a clear head shot id photo of themselves uploaded. Photos of anything else will mean your registration is invalid and you will not be permitted to play until the photo is uploaded.
Team sheets
Adult teams - All players will be required to sign in and confirm playing shirt number before each game on a pre printed team sheet.
Junior teams - No requirement for junior players to sign in
Shin pads
All players must wear shin pads. Its compulsory
Kick ins
When ball goes out on the sides -No throw ins all kick ins- Opposing players must be at least 3 meters or 5 strides away from the ball- kick ins must be placed on the line. If an opposing player has retrieved the ball the team with the kick in must wait for the player to return
Goal kicks
Must be taken as a goal kick - no roll outs- from anywhere in the area. Opposing players are not allowed in area
Pass backs to goal keeper
Goal Keeper cannot pick up if comes from own player. Goal keeper can pass to anybody. Goal keeper can throw or kick to any team mates if they are in hand possession of the ball - they do not have to put on ground. No height restrictions. Cannot throw or kick the ball over half way once in hand possession of the ball.
Penalty area
Opposing players can enter the penalty area in open play
Goal scoring
Teams cannot score directly from a kick in, kick off or goal kick- but can from a corner.
Free kicks
All free kicks are indirect accept from a penalty. Opposing players must be a minimum of 5 meters or 6 strides (i.e. 6 long strides away from the ball during an indirect free kick. Defending players cannot move until the team taking the free kick have made the first touch not on the refs whistle blow.
There are no offsides
Players can enter/exit any time but must do it from one side in the middle/ halfway point of the field. Players entering the field must wait the the outgoing player has left the field.
Goal Keepers
There is no requirement for goal keepers to wear another shirt colour or bib.
Slide tackles
Slide tackles are not allowed by any player including goal keeper. Players can slide to block a shot or a pass but must be at least 1 meter away from a player kicking the ball.
Goal keepers
Can save with their feet but cannot slide tackle or lead and slide with their feet when making a challenge to an on coming player with the ball.
Goal keepers can slide with their feet to save a ball that's been kicked and may only tackle an oncoming player without slide tackling them.
Goal keepers can contest a 50/50 ball with their feet in an upright position (like outfield players) and with their hands if inside the penalty box either in an upright position or on the ground.
Match Balls -Adult comps
All adult categories - ball is size 4.5 mid bounce ball -Only one match ball is supplied per game. Teams must use the match balls supplied by Super 6 Soccer- cannot use own balls.
Where one ball is supplied and the ball goes out for a goal kick the defending team in most cases the goal keeper is responsible for retrieving the ball.
For some venues we will supply 2 match balls.
In this situation team subs are responsible for retrieving the balls that are kicked out of bounds by some distance. Team subs of the team that kicked the ball some distance are responsible for retrieving the ball. If the ball is not retrieved by subs the official will revert back to one ball and teams will have to wait until a team sub from the team that kicked the ball retrieves the ball.
Match Balls - Junior comps
u7-u9 - size 3
u10-u15 - size 4
u16 -u18 - size 4.5 mid bounce
Only one match ball is supplied per game.
Teams must use the match balls supplied by Super 6 Soccer- cannot use own balls.
Where one ball is supplied and the ball goes out for a goal kick the defending team in most cases the goal keeper is responsible for retrieving the ball.
Players will be cautioned if they intentionally waste time including kicking the ball intentionally out of the field.
Under 7 comp
5 on the field, no goal keepers. 1 coach is allowed on the field but must be keep away from the ball an only assist the referee with getting kids back for goal kicks and kick ins and general management of the game. Most rules above apply here except for the goal keeper rules
For more information on game rules click here:
Super 6 Soccer Competition Rules
Uniforms or playing strips
Mini Junior & youth players u7-u18
- Mini Junior & youth players u7-u18 receive a playing strip or uniforms as part of their registrations.
- Junior players must be registered and paid by 18 Aug to get their uniforms by the first round (6 Sep)
- Players that register and pay 18 Aug- 30 Aug will get their uniform on 2 round (13 Sep)
- Playing uniforms from previous years cannot be used.
Adult teams
- Adult teams are responsible for their own playing uniforms
- Adult teams are to have matching shirts shorts and socks.
- No t-shirts/singlets or black as a shirt colour.
- Teams must have numbers on shirts.
- Adult teams may purchase uniforms for an extra fee (this is included in the uniform rego fee)
- Uniform purchase from Super 6 Soccer for adults teams is only available before 18 August at a discounted club shop rate.
- Adult teams that want to purchase uniforms from Super 6 Soccer must register using the individual payment method and select registration product that has uniform in the description.
- If adult teams miss the cut off date they can purchase the uniforms directly from our shop at the club shop rate
Player name & shirt numbers
If our new registration system is not ready- all adult team organisers will be asked to provide shirt numbers of each registered player in their team when requested. Will be about 1 week our from start of comp.
We expect that we we will have junior shirt numbers on our rego system and allocated accordingly.
Team sheets
Adult teams - All players will be required to sign in and confirm playing shirt number before each game on a pre printed team sheet.
Junior teams - No requirement for junior players to sign in
There may be a number of comp categories that have an odd number of teams in them.
Depending on the number of teams in your comp or playing category you may get 1 or 2 byes.
Our policy here is to schedule friendly games to the teams affected by the bye i.e. when there is no other team to play against due to the odd number of teams.
In some instances we may even schedule a game against another similar category that also has a bye or an odd number of teams,.
We normally randomly allocate a team in the same category to play a second game against the Bye team or the team that does not have any opposition for that round.
The Bye team get 3 points for the Bye regardless if they play a friendly or not. The friendly game result is not reflected in the results or tables.
Team may elect not to play their bye game at the start of the comp and take a break. We need to know as soon as the comp categories are confirmed, normally 2-3 weeks before the start of the comp.