Game day
Here you will find information about what happens on the day
Nobody likes forfeits particularly when the affected teams are not notified or notified in time. We don't like forfeits as it involves lots of work to notify other teams, officials and possibly organise another game with a team that can play a second game at short notice.
Notification rules for forfeits
Team organiser or a representative of team (if team organiser is not available) to email Super 6 Soccer of intended forfeit and must include comp location team category and team name.
Team fines and point deductions apply if Super 6 Soccer is not notified 2 days in advance by 11.59pm or as follows:
- 2 days before 11.59 pm (no fine, no point deduction)
- 1 day before 6.00pm ($20 fine, no point deduction)
- 1 day before, after 6.00pm before 9.00am on day of play ($30 fine, no point deduction)
- On day of play after 9.00am and before 11.59am ($50 fine 1 point deduction)
- On day of play after midday and before 3.30pm ($70 fine and 2 point deduction)
- On day of play after 3.30pm and 1 hour before scheduled game ($90 fine and 2 point deduction)
- On day of play less than 1 hour before scheduled game ($100 fine and 3 point deduction)
- No notification - no show ($110 fine and 6 point deduction)
More than 1 forfeit
- Teams that forfeit a second time regardless of notification will be fined an additional $25 and 1 point penalty on top of the fine and penalty above.
- Teams that forfeit a 3rd time will be fined an additional $50 and 3 point penalty on top of the fine and penalty above.
- Teams that forfeit a 4th time will be automatically expelled from competition without refund.
Forfeit fine payments
Fines will be issued to team organisers and team organisers are responsible for paying the fine by Friday 5pm of the week of the forfeit. Failure to pay by Friday 5pm will result in another 3 point deduction. Failure to pay the following Friday 5pm the team will be expelled without refund from the competition.
Teams affected by a forfeit
Forfeited games result in 3 points being credited or awarded to the non-forfeiting team.
If a team forfeits the team administrator will notify affected team by email and if possible and have time try an arrange another game.
Forfeited games will not be replayed
Forfeits during semi finals and grand finals
If a team forfeits a semi final the same rules apply above except that the fines will be imposed and will be expected to pay. If fines are not paid the players and the teams will be un-financial and not permitted to play in any of our comps again until the fine is paid.
Insuffient player numbers before the start of a match
If a team has 3 or less players the game is declared a forfeit.
A forfeit can only be declared by the supervisor or competition manager (not the referee). The game can still be played with the borrowing of other players and will be played as a friendly.
If a team has 4 or more players ready to play, the game is 'live' and will count.
A team with less than 6 players cannot obtain or use players from any other team to play - if they do they forfeit the game
The team however can obtain other players (if they have less than 6 and more than 3 players) from other teams in the same playing category, only if they declare a forfeit before the start of the game.
Long term notice of a forfeit and/or request for fixture change
Sometimes we get notified well in advance (2 weeks or more) of a team forfeit due to a function, school event, wedding party etc. This normally is accompanied by a request to play the game on another date as a double up or at another time on the same night.
Once a draw is set there is quite a bit of work to redo the draw and any changes may affect other teams that cannot play revised games as they have planned their own calendars. We may not have room to move games to another date as double ups as well.
Normal forfeit rules apply as indicated above and round games will not be rescheduled unless:
- The 2 teams (where the majority of players) playing each other are involved in the same function and have both given us more than 2 weeks notice and we have the space and time to play the game on another date.
- The team is in a category where there is a bye. If the team affected by the potential forfeit has a scheduled bye after the forfeit date, the game can be played on that date and it will count. The same game can be played if your team has the bye and the affected team is happy to play 2 games.
If the long term notice is for a semi-final or final date we cannot reschedule the game to any other date. We may be able to change the time only if the other team can play that time.
We cannot play semi finals and finals on the same date if a team cannot make the semi final date. This make it unfair due to having to play an extra game before a potential grand final.
Pre game
Stuff you need to know before your games
Registered players
Only players that have completed their online registration and have paid the rego fee can take the field to play with their team. If teams are found to be playing unregistered players or players from other teams-will at a minimum forfeit their game.
Team sheets
Adult teams - All players will be required to sign in and confirm playing shirt number before each game on a pre printed team sheet.
Junior teams - No requirement for junior players to sign in
Player numbers before the start of a match
If a team has 3 or less players the game is declared a forfeit. A forfeit can only be declared by the supervisor or competition manager (not the referee). The game can still be played with the borrowing of other players and will be played as a friendly.
If a team has 4 or more players ready to play, the game is 'live' and will count.
A team with less than 6 players cannot obtain or use players from any other team to play - if they do they forfeit the game
The team however can obtain other players (if they have less than 6 and more than 3 players) from other teams in the same playing category, only if they declare a forfeit before the start of the game.
Warm up areas
Heffron Park, synthetic- no warm ups on any area of enclosed main synthetic field. Warm ups can be conducted on surrounding grass areas. Any team waiting to play their game cannot enter to synthetic field until the preceding game on their field has finished.
Kareela oval, synthetic - warm ups can be conducted on field 2 west end, well away from games that are on.-no warm up permitted on synthetic fields for Spring 2023 comp as we don't have room
Centenary Park, grass - warm ups can occur on any open area well away from games in progress.
Cook Park, synthetic - no warm ups on any area of enclosed main synthetic field. Warm ups can be conducted on surrounding grass areas.
Epping oval, synthetic - warm ups can be conducted in areas well away from games in progress
Each game will start on or close to scheduled time, any delays may result in a shortened game length. Fields can be identified by the number on the side or back of the goal nets.
After game
Goal return to facilities block- last games
Each team playing the last scheduled game of each evening of competition is responsible for carrying one set of portable goals and 4 goal pegs or sand bags back to the facilities or storage building as directed by staff. The nets are to remain on goal. This is a condition of entry.
Teams that do not bring their goals back to the shed will be deducted 3 points.
All your rubbish like empty drink bottles and tape is to be put in rubbish bins
Alcohol and smoking
Alcohol is not to be consumed where Super 6 Soccer games take place
Smoking of any substance is prohibited where Super 6 Soccer games take place
Pitch/Field information
The pitches or fields you will be playing on at each location/venue will be numbered (some will be named after stadiums from around the world)
Our playing pitches are identified by numbers on the goal nets.
e.g. Field 1 – Bernabeu, Field 2 – Wembley,
More information about pitches can be found in our venue tabs
Team organisers /coaches
Registered team organisers (non-paying or playing) are only allowed to coach, conduct substitutions and to attend to injured players after gaining permission from referee.
If a team has a coach (other than the registered team organiser) they have to set up an account in yoursportspace and register into the team as a non playing team organiser.
Team organisers are to remain close to the middle of the playing area near the half way line - they are not allowed to move more than 5 meters away from half way.
Team organisers or coaches are not permitted to go up and down the lines or coach from behind the goals.
Team organisers or coaches or any players on or off the field or their spectators are not permitted to question decisions made by referees. This includes calling out or complaining out loud, swearing, or abusing the referee /official or the ground supervisor.
Any complaints can be made in writing to the comp administrator
Heffron Park- only registered team organisers (max of 2) will be permitted to enter the synthetic playing area.
Kareela oval-only registered team organisers (max of 2) will be permitted to enter coach on the east side of Kareela oval on the main playing area. and on the west side along the line.
Team organisers are responsible for notifying Super 6 Soccer of an intended forfeit.
Spectators, coaches or substitutes are not allowed to enter the field of play under any other circumstances other than described below. We take this very seriously and will expel teams out if this happens!
A substitute can come onto field to replace another player and must only come on from the center.
A substitute or coach can attend to an injured player.
Spectators summary
- Cannot stand behind the goals
- If permitted near playing field- must be a minimum of 1.5 meters behind the side line.
- Cannot coach unless registered as a team organiser
- Cannot enter the field of play
- Cannot question, call out or abuse referees/officials.
- Cannot abuse opposing team players or team organisers
Click here for more information about Spectators dos and don'ts
Weather impacts that may affect our comp games
We play our comps on all 4 synthetic fields and 1 grass field. The grass fields we use are well drained and dry quickly in the summer months. Extra rounds are scheduled for our grass comps to ensure all scheduled games are played.
Updates on weather impacts will be made on this website or via our portal to all registered participants. If games are cancelled before 2.45pm we will email participants, after that updates will be posted on website.
Games may be cancelled due to heavy rain, hail, flooding, lightning, extreme heat, air quality and high winds.
Rain (1-2 days before comp)
Grass field
- Council makes decision to close or leave open grass fields by 2.30pm.
- We notify participants by 3.00pm if games are cancelled
Synthetic fields
- All games go ahead
Rain (between 2.30pm & 4.15pm on comp day)
Grass field
- Light/moderate rain occurs between 2.30pm and 3.30pm and is predicted to remain light, diminish or stop- Games go ahead
- Light/moderate rain occurs between 2.30pm and 3.30pm and is predicted to intensify- decision based on rain radar movement and if forecast is light or moderate - Games will more than likely go ahead
- Significant/heavy/torrential rain occurs for more than an hour and is predicted to stop or diminish - ground will be checked for flooding and if no pooling games will go ahead. If water pooling is visible and on the surface- Very likely games will not go ahead
- Significant/heavy/torrential rain occurs for more than an hour is predicted to continue and surface pooling has occurred - Very high chance of game cancellation
- Participants will be updated via website by 4.15pm
Synthetic fields
- Light/moderate rain occurs between 12.30pm and 3.30pm and is predicted to remain light, diminish or stop- Games go ahead
- Light/moderate rain occurs between 12.30pm and 3.30pm and is predicted to intensify - games go ahead
- Significant/heavy/torrential rain occurs for more than an hour on day of play before 3.30pm and is predicted to stop or diminish - games go ahead
- Significant/heavy/torrential rain occurs for more than an hour on day of play before 3.30pm and is predicted to continue - All games will go ahead. Junior games may be cancelled.
- Participants will be updated via website by 4.15pm
Rain or hail (during games)
Grass field
- Games will or will not continue depending on the severity of rain/ hail and ground condition.
- Participants will be updated via website
Synthetic fields
- Games will continue with rain but may be temporarily suspended if it hails. Junior games may be cancelled if rain is torrential and doesn't look like subsiding .
- Participants will be updated via website
Lightning (during games)
Grass & Synthetic fields
- Super 6 Soccer admin and ground supervisors will use Football NSW's 30/30 lighting policy to determine if games are to be halted and when they can resume.
- Participants will be updated via website
30/30 Lightning policy
- Visible lightning strike occurs - if thunder is heard immediately after strike or within 30 seconds of lightning strike- games will be stopped and people will be asked to take leave playing fields and seek shelter or enclosed cars.
- Updates on current stopped games and unplayed games will be made on our website. The updates will indicate if stopped games or unplayed scheduled games will be resume, continue as scheduled, be delayed or be cancelled.
- Registered participants that remain on fields will not be covered by our insurance.
Football NSW - 30/30 lightning policy- link
Extreme Heat
Grass & Synthetic fields
- Super 6 Soccer admin and ground supervisors will refer too Football NSW's extreme heat policy to determine if round will proceed or games (if started) are to be stopped and if they they can resume.
- If extreme heat is predicted a decision to play or not to play will be posted on Super 6 Soccer website by 3.30pm.
- The decision will be based on local air temperature and humidity. Wind will also be taken into account.
- If decision is to go ahead is made if the heat score is below the extreme category.
- Mitigating heat stress will be addressed as per policy below
Football NSW -Extreme Heat Policy link
Air Quality
- Bush Fires, dust storms and air pollution affect air quality
- In New South Wales, five colour indicators are used to classify air quality as either 'Good', 'Fair', 'Poor', 'Very Poor' or 'Extremely Poor'.
- If air quality is predicted to be 'extremely poor' close to our comp venue we will more than likely cancel the round.
- If extremely poor air quality conditions are predicted or prevalent on game day a decision to play or not to play will be posted on Super 6 Soccer website by 3.00pm. Prevailing and forecast winds will also be taken into account.
High winds
If wind is predicted to go over 75km an hour or is prevalent on the day near our venues, games will more than likely be cancelled.
Beaufort scale
- 9 Strong gale 76 - 87 km/h 41-47 knots Slight structural damage occurs -roofing dislodged; larger branches break off.
- 10 Storm 88 - 102 km/h 48-55 knots Seldom experienced inland; trees uprooted; considerable structural damage.
- 11 Violent storm 103 -117 km/h 56-63 knots Very rarely experienced - widespread damage
What happens if games are stopped or cancelled due to weather impacts?
Grass fields
- If entire round is cancelled -games will be pushed forward (allowance is made for 2 weather cancellations for grass fields)
- If 3 or more rounds are cancelled they will not be replayed.
Synthetic fields
- If entire round is cancelled -games will not be replayed
All fields
If games are cancelled after round begins the following will apply:
- Junior and adult round
- Less than 60% of games played (includes every category)- round is cancelled. Any played games will be null and void and will not count. The round will be cancelled
- If more then 60% of games are played, games played will count and any unplayed games will be played as double ups or double points in future rounds.